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paragliding basics san bernardino





Can I pay tuition as I go?

Yes! In an effort to help you allocate funds towards purchase of Flight Gear, you DO NOT need to pay tuition up front. Students can pay as they attend classes at $200 per session. All payments go towards the Unlimited Lessons tuition! How can you save $200? If you pay tuition up front then you only pay $2300!

How long does Training take?

Most students fly from the Training Hill after 1-2 days of instruction! The different USHPA rating levels are P1-P4 and represent Beginner level to Advanced pilot. - P1 level is 10 flights - P2 level is 35 flights - P3 level is 90 flights - P4 level is 250 flights How long it will take you depends on your ability to learn and successfully demonstrate new skills to a safe standard. It also depends on how many days of training you will attend within a given season. Average Student Ratings: P1 within 3 days P2 within 3 weeks P3 within 4 months P4 within 2 years

Does the School provide gear to get started with?

Yes! The School provides equipment to get students through the first series of Training Hill flights. Students are encouraged to order their personal flying gear as their training begins so they can transition into the flying phase without delays. Make sure you have gear purchase in your budget to avoid long delays between training and flying with your own gear. We only train new students on new equipment. Buying new epuipment will cost $4800 to $5500. Our school has the best brands at a discount for students in training!

Do I need to schedule a lesson?

No! We train every day that the weather is good for flying. Schedule: 3 hours before sunset Tuesdays - Sundays The best part of the day for students is late afternoon until sunset, perfect for most peoples' work schedules. Please call first if you are planning a visit!

Does the School provide Paramotor Instruction?

For sure! What better way to expand your horizons after you know the canopy? All students begin with Basic Canopy Training since we have these amazing training hills at our home site, Andy Jackson Airpark. After the student has shown proficiency in canopy handling, launching, and landing we then complete the Paramotor Transition Syllabus.

How much is Flight Gear?

Cost of new equipment: Canopy $2800-4200 Harness $780-1100 Reserve is $650-780. We only train incoming students on new gear to avoid exposing our new pilots to undue risks. DON'T BUY GEAR BEFORE TRAINING WITHOUT AN EVALUTAION FROM A FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR!!! We take our gear very seriously and quality Flight Gear is important for a solid learning curve, personal safety, and predictable performance.

Does the School sell Flight Gear?

Yes! and at a great discount for Students. This can save you hundreds of dollars on top quality brands. The school provides premium brands at the same cost as budget brands. Shop around and you will see! We stock only the best brands that pilots want to be flying.

How fit do I need to be for Paragliding?

Paragliding pilots range from 11 year old girls to 82 year old seniors and beyond! There is no weight or age limit to this activity. However, a pilot must be physically able to carry equipment, run for launch and landing, and need decent vision. Some medical injuries or conditions may prevent participation in the sport. Speak with an instructor if you have these concerns.  If you are not sure if you meet the minimum physical requirements, please speak with a Flight Instructor BEFORE enrollment!

How long does a Paraglider last?

The sun, salt water, and physical damage are the biggest enemies of the Paraglider canopy. If you take care of your equipment then it should last up to 1500 hours. After this point the fabric will become porous and the lines will be stretched. This long term damage degrades performance, passive safety, and may make launching more difficult. It's a good idea to sell your glider before it becomes too old so that you can get most of your investment back to spend on your next glider upgrade as your skill level improves.

What time do classes start?

Lessons are conducted in the last 3 hours of the day until sunset every day that the wind is good for flying! Yes, we even meet on weekends because good flying weather is the priority for students in training. We do not have classes on Mondays. As a student, you will be taught how to assess appropriate weather conditions for flight and will be able to plan accordingly once you have these skills. Until then, feel free to ask before making plans to attend classes.

Paramotoring BGD Luna3 Southern California

We take you there

This means that you will only pay a maximum of $2500 for tuition which covers all flight instruction, gear for kiting and flying through your first 15 flights, and the USHPA Pilot Rating Exams P1-P4.

Pilots may make $200 tuition payments as they attend classes for the first sessions or simply pay the $2500 beforehand.


Want to save $200 on your tuition?

You can pay the entire tuition before starting the training and you only pay $2300 for tuition!

Online Training Content

Your tuition also includes access to all of our Online Classes (hosted live every Monday night), Instructional Video Archive, and published articles.

Online Classes cover all relevant topics from Weather Analysis and Flight Planning to Reading Terrain and Risk Management. They are also designed to help you prepare for the USHPA Rating Tests when you reach each new skill level to do so.


The Best Training Site

Our flying site is the largest and most consistent in North America! We get over 300 days of good weather every year and there are several launches to fly from on any given day.

Ride services are easy and quick with several open-air vehicle independent operators ready to get you to the launch site. Students can get between 1-3 altitude flights on most visits.

With all of these options available, Students learn how to thermal and fly mountain conditions which prepares them for flying in virtually any other Paragliding context. Our priority is
Safety and to facilitate a structured learning curve while allowing each new pilot to progress at their own pace. You will never be rushed, kicked out of the nest, or left guessing what comes next.


Unlimited Possibilities

The community of Pilots that has formed around the school is an amazingly supportive and engaging group of adventurers who are excited for each new member to learn the skills that literally open new horizons of possibility.

The school also has a
Paramotor training program in addition to several Paragliding field trips each season. These help Students get the most out of their new passion for flight and to explore more options as they progress their skills.

unlimited paragliding lessons
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