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Mac Para Charger2 Reflex <MOTOR>

Mac Para Charger2 Reflex <MOTOR>


The Charger 2 - Performance Freedom Flying


The Charger 2 is a full-blooded reflex paramotoring glider. New, seasoned and experienced pilots alike will immediately feel comfortable flying the Charger 2 and appreciate its incredibly easy launching and landing characteristics, superb stability and excellent cruising speed. These qualities made the Chargers famous and thus form a reputation of exceptional gliders in the world of powered paragliding.

It will fit in your hand after the first flight

The Charger 2 is the ultimate 'pilot friendly' paramotor wing. On the ground and in the air, the Charger 2 is easy to operate. Its easy operation and safety will be appreciated by a demanding pilot who is looking for a stable motor glider with a large range of speeds, resistant to canopy collapses, immediately responding to control commands. It will quickly fit into your hands during the first flights. With this glider you will enjoy the pleasures of flying. While flying this beauty you'll notice right away that it is capable of performing everything you need to enjoy the air and not feel like your missing out.

No Time Wasted on Launch – perfect for initial PPG training

The Charger 2, as with all MACPARA gliders, is designed with ease of launch in mind. Our R&D team was especially attentive to performance of the Charger 2 during take-off. You'll look like a pro with its no-hassle launch characteristics that will have you airborne immediately after inflation. The way of inflating the canopy is smooth with a quick liftink. The canopy stays over pilots head, with no tendency to pitch forvard or fall back. The buoyancy level is pleasant to read in the harness with acceleration and can be easily controlled by the steering lines. A light pull on the steering lines gets the pilot into the third dimension without sinking down.

Why the great performance?

The glider is undemanding and resistant to collapse even in rough air thanks to the customized reflex airfoils. New design of the Charger 2's airfoil is resulting in exceptional penetration and in flight stability. The smooth shape of the airfoil nose is maintained by long lasting Mylar reinforcement combined with plastic rods. It features excellent stability throughout the full weight and speed range. The canopy has a dampened roll tendency, but offers good flexibility and agility in turns, and the Charger 2 will not overshoot or hang back. During extended flights, the moderate brake pressure allows for pleasant turns while progressively increasing toward the end of brake travel, providing a reserve of safety. With fully released trims, the steering forces increase significantly. With such trimmer settings, the glider can be controlled via the glider's stabilizers using additional wing tip steering toggles (called WTST). Likewise, when using the speed system, or in combination with released trimmers, this way of controlling the direction of flight is a great advantage.  Even in nil wind conditions, you can trust the Charger 2 to make your landings safe and predictable. The landing flare is pleasantly definable. While losing speed, soft landings are easy to perform as the canopy creates ample buoyancy when making the final pull.

MAC PARA design and construction

Charger 2 is another quality product from MAC PARA. The elliptical canopy has 50 cells and an aspekt ratio of 5.22. 

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