You Can Fly!
Southern California is THE place for outdoor adventures and if you're looking for something awesome to do around here then I have a secret for you that not many people know about.
It's called Paragliding and this area is a really popular hotspot for the sport because of the amazing weather and mountains all over the place.

Even though it may look similar to skydiving, it's a completely different experience.
Paragliders can go up!
And with this unique ability the flights can last for hours and go impressive distances. There's no free falling and it's not over in 3.5 minutes so its easy to relax and enjoy the experience.
Almost anybody can fly in one because you can go tandem with an Certified Flight Instructor and embark on a real adventure that you will remember forever! This is a great way to add a colorful chapter to your Book of Life.
Most people don't even know that Paragliding exists so it's a perfect Bucket List Item that almost no one has crossed off their list. Whatever your reason to Paraglide, it will be one of the coolest things you have ever done! But the FEELING can be an addiction, at times something you would love to do more than anything else.

Flying in one is just like being in a dream, floating thousands of feet over forested mountains, amazingly smooth and quiet. Time stands still and the one moment, like the view, goes on forever. I could try to exaggerate but it would still be an understatement.
If you've ever wondered what it's like to fly, this is truly it!
You're not wrapped in a metal tube pushing buttons and pulling levers like on a traditional aircraft. Your body is a part of it all, you are connected to the aircraft and can feel the air just like a surfer can feel the waves.
Hawks will just come right up and fly with you as though you're one of them! If you're into Golden Sunsets well... you may never have seen one as gorgeous as from the air, it is an immersive experience to say the least.
The take-off is usually very quick with just a few steps or less required. Most passengers fear this part the most but then quickly fall in love with the sensation of floating off of the hillside into the open air. Turns are guaranteed to make you smile and going up to the clouds in a thermal is too incredible to put into words.
You just have to try it to believe it!
The landings feel like a long, smooth glide, a floating sensation, they're super fun! From this day forward you cannot see the world in the same way.

Flights happen every day that the weather is good so you can pick up the phone and then...Let's FLY!
My school was established to share this experience with the world. See this journey and everyone else's on:
To be a part of the magic, join our flock and
Discover Paragliding in Southern California!
Book your flight today!